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Algorithms Everywhere but Where Are All My Clicks?

What happened to the days when SEO was simple and straight forward unlike today’s environment of the mysterious hidden algorithms and big data?  Actually, this isn’t true…SEO has never been simple and straight forward and has always been an uncomfortable mix of creativity, hard-core analytics and lots of trial and error.

But its not getting any easier when platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. play coy with advertisers about how their algorithms actually work (and in some cases…if they work) and continuously change them.  Google has always maintained that marketers who focus on user friendly, relevant content will reap the benefits that those who try to “game” the algorithm won’t (and can’t).

To clarify terms, Google’s algorithms can be described as:

“…acomplex system used to retrieve data from its search index and instantlydeliver the best possible results for a query. The search engine uses acombination of algorithms and numerous ranking signals to deliver webpagesranked by relevance on its search engine results pages (SERPs).”

Seems pretty clear but the key word here is “complex”.  So complex that Google is now “tweaking” its algorithm 1,000’s of times a year - good luck to anyone who intends to game that system.  Some questions seem to be begged by this however.  First of all, how much trust can we (or should we have) in a money-making model that we (the people who are paying the money) can’t see the inner workings of?  Secondly, why does the algorithm need to be changed so often…. if it worked to begin with?

Trust and transparency of transaction are foundational to healthy commerce, but advertisers have been given reason to not blindly trust digital advertising platforms in the past.  I’ve personally experienced and paid for the missing Facebook clicks that so many have experienced.

Perhaps Google’s algorithm would be too complicated for me to fully understand…. I’ll admit I’m not the smartest person I know.  And maybe I’m being overly cynical when I sometimes don’t trust that the algorithm works the way Google says it should and its normal for a working equation to be tweaked continuously.

Having said this, I don’t really know how dentistry works but at least my Dentists provides me with a fully detailed bill when he charges me.  And frankly, I trust him enough to let him drill holes in my teeth.  Google?  Not so much.


  1. Very interesting perspective Ronnie! I really loved the assertion you made when you said “Trust and transparency of transaction are foundational to healthy commerce." What an insightful way of looking at it!


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